PHP Web Development

PHP Web Development
PHP is a powerful language and the interpreter, server-side scripting  language design for web development these also used as a general-purpose programming language. The PHP first version of create by Erasmus Lead-off and Contract butted under an open the license in 1995 at years. On 22 may, 2000, PHP for, powered by the Send Engine 1.0, was released, and August 2008 this branch reached version 4.4.9 PHP 4 is no longer under development nor will be any security updates by release these properties make anything run on a web server by the default. It is the now stands for PHP Hypertext Predecessor, which is a recursive acronym. PHP code can be HTML code, or it can be used in combination with various Sliding engines and web text area work. On Windows, compiled binary versions of the PHP are available for just download from the, WWW.PHP.NET Most Linux Operating system include a p recompiled the version of PHP. Those UNIX operating systems that do not include p recompiled the version of PHP you can compile your own version of PHP. PHP is a modular language that are enables you to customize the available facility functional through the use of extensions .The extensions can creating tasks such as reading, writing, and manipulating XML, create the SOAP clients, servers, and communications between server and browser the website.  Today, the PHP has become a popular language for Web site page application development because of its mainly focus on practical any solutions and support  the most commonly required functionality in a Web applications.


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